DIY: homemade kiwi scrub and mask!

January 2019

Have you ever tried a DIY kiwifruit scrub? This is actually a natural and nice way to pamper your skin. The good news is that you can try to do it with a kiwi fruit as it has many benefits. Lets find out the recipe with Oscar® Kiwi!

After the New Years’ festivities, you might want to give your skin some special attention. You can easily prepare your own natural exfoliating face scrub at home. Very easy and quick to make, this cosmetic recipe only need a few ingredients including an Oscar® Kiwi. It will help to make your skin looks healthier, especially in winter when it gets dry.

These are some of the great kiwi fruits benefits:

– Vitamin A encourages skin cells production and is essential to prevent wrinkles and fight pimples.

– Vitamin C can help fend off the signs of aging and heal damaged skin; also helps to smooth and firm skin.

– Vitamin E is both antioxidant and nutrient. It helps keep the skin supple and hydrated.

– Fatty acids improve hydratation and skin elasticity, it also minimize signs of aging.


Here is a recipe for a cheap and natural homemade product. A good way to remove the dead skin cells and other remaining impurities.

Oscar® Kiwi Scrub Mask Ingredients

– ¼ Oscar® ripe kiwi (use only the flesh)
– 1 tablespoon of sweet almond oil
– 3 teaspoons of brown sugar
Combine all ingredients in a small bowl.
Apply the mask generously onto your face and neck, be careful to avoid the eyes.
Allow to set on skin for 10 minutes than rince with warm water.*
Note that you can replace the almond oil with another vegetable oil (jojoba oil, argan, etc.).
You can increase the ratios to make more of the mixture and use it on your body as well.
Note that it can’t be stored and has to be used asap.

Your skin is now clean, hydrated and radiant!

Do not forget to take a look at our Recipes section, the edible ones! And do not forget to share them with our Oscar® community on Facebook and Instagram.

* To avoid any risk of allergic reaction, test the mask first on the back of your hand, for example.

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